Tuesday 17 February 2009

You're driving on a Motorway - Did you know that?

Have you ever been driving along a motorway and seen one of these stupid signs or messages pointing out the blatantly obvious. Having put them up, Highways Agencys officials clearly feel the need to plaster patronising slogans all over them.

Yes there is fog, congratulations. And why is it that whenever there's heavy fog outside the car, we feel the need to lean forwards nearer to the windscreen, as if the fog is in fact inside the car!

Best one I saw when we had the snow was SNOW - DRIVE WITH CARE. How thick do they think we drivers are? Actually, don't answer that one.

Then there's the ones that say Don't drink/eat/phone/sleep while you're driving. There's some bloke on minimum wage, who's come in on the bus, sitting in the Highways Agency office thinking "I wonder what sh*t I can put on the signs today".

I wonder what we did before we had people pointing out the obvious.

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