I phoned up the helpline, up for an argument, to be answered by some yank woman asking my name. How my name matters to the whole matter I don't know, would have expected them to ask for a reference or serial number, but not my name. As soon as I heard this woman I just thought "I'm not even going to bother". She told me that they'd charge me "£116" to fix it, to which i replied that I may as well buy a new one, and I ended the conversation there.
I could go up to the Apple shop at Bluewater and argue with them, but at the end of the day all they're going to say is that its got water damage cause the "sensor" says so, not that it's ever been anywhere near water. I'd much rather do without the argument and just buy a new one. So that's what i've done.
I like the iPod Touch, it's a really good device, the best on the market and fairly well priced. But after all this if I could i'd much rather go onto another device, if only it wasn't for DRM protected music. Bloody iTunes.
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