To top it off, Plus Net then go and reconnect our internet to the wrong phone line, despite us making it absolutly clear to them that it needs to be on the new number. At least plus net did give us compensation and the next bill free, as for BT...well they've offered us nothing, which is why a rather snotty letter is now making it's way to BT HQ in central London.
On a rather different note, it was nice to get out and marshall the 25th Hastings Half Marathon this weekend. A lovely day for it, not ideal conditions, there was a considerable amount of runners going down through dehydration, and I know the Red Cross had their hands full. But well done to the organisers, a great day all round. Finally, i'd just like to say thanks to all the drivers who had patience and didn't shout or swear at Marshalls, it really does matter, after all we are all volunteers. There are always a few drivers who will have a go at you, despite the signs being up for 6 weeks beforehand, either they're blind, stupid or very disorganised...probably all three. Especially to the one man, who i'm saying very little as it's an ongoing Police Investigation now, who decided to try to ram me with his car. I think he'll be thinking twice about his actions when the nice police officer knocks on his door tomorrow.
Anyway, I must get on with my list of things to do on the have no idea how much i've missed my web access.
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