You know how in England, accents seem to get stronger as you go north. Southerner's don't have an accent, it's just how things sound when they're pronounced properly. But then you head up Norfolk way, up to Yorkshire, Scouser land, Geordies etc. Ok then, how come in Wales it gets stronger as you go South. I spent 10 hours in Llandudno yesterday and not once did I hear one proper Welsh accent, and I actually think the Welsh accent is quite hot. The only Welsh accent I heard was the receptionist at the Travellodge, and that was in Crewe!
Got to see Mount Snowdon which was quite nice, over the back of Llandudno, watching it slowly disappear in the clouds as dusk fell, wish i'd had my camera to be honest. It's really made me look forward to the Lakes in August, family holiday with lots of walking, I think I better hit the gym again.
I've been to Wales twice in the past two weeks, and still haven't heard anyone speaking Welsh. It's all over their road signs, like someones got bored and just thought "let's still tons of letters together and call it a Lay By, or a Service Station", I swear not even the Welsh have a clue what any of the signs say, do they still teach it in Schools over there? They must....I did spend a fair bit of the journey yesterday trying to figure out how these signs could possibly mean what they did mean, they didn't even moderatly look like anything in English, as I say, it just looked like tons of letters thrown together by some bored sheep shagger, I mean Welshman. I really should stop calling them sheep shaggers, it's not very nice, most of them prefer Horses.
Anywho, no rest for the wicked, Eastbourne for me tonight.
P.S. Hi Mum, she's recently discovered my blog, thought I should say Hello. Also Hello to everybody else. 470 Visitors in 3 weeks, that's really good! Also good to know i'm not just talking to myself.
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