These are the boys that fight for our country, that fight in wars that they don't want to be in, but they still go out and risk their lives on the Battlefield. And when the worst happens, our government doesn't support them as they should, but the British Public have been and still do, so support this, even if you just buy a Help for Heroes wristband. As Ross Kemp said "Nobody deserves your charity more than they do".
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
This deserves support our support...
These are the boys that fight for our country, that fight in wars that they don't want to be in, but they still go out and risk their lives on the Battlefield. And when the worst happens, our government doesn't support them as they should, but the British Public have been and still do, so support this, even if you just buy a Help for Heroes wristband. As Ross Kemp said "Nobody deserves your charity more than they do".
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Have you heard about the new Viagra eyedrops? Apparently they make you look hard.
You know how in England, accents seem to get stronger as you go north. Southerner's don't have an accent, it's just how things sound when they're pronounced properly. But then you head up Norfolk way, up to Yorkshire, Scouser land, Geordies etc. Ok then, how come in Wales it gets stronger as you go South. I spent 10 hours in Llandudno yesterday and not once did I hear one proper Welsh accent, and I actually think the Welsh accent is quite hot. The only Welsh accent I heard was the receptionist at the Travellodge, and that was in Crewe!
Got to see Mount Snowdon which was quite nice, over the back of Llandudno, watching it slowly disappear in the clouds as dusk fell, wish i'd had my camera to be honest. It's really made me look forward to the Lakes in August, family holiday with lots of walking, I think I better hit the gym again.
I've been to Wales twice in the past two weeks, and still haven't heard anyone speaking Welsh. It's all over their road signs, like someones got bored and just thought "let's still tons of letters together and call it a Lay By, or a Service Station", I swear not even the Welsh have a clue what any of the signs say, do they still teach it in Schools over there? They must....I did spend a fair bit of the journey yesterday trying to figure out how these signs could possibly mean what they did mean, they didn't even moderatly look like anything in English, as I say, it just looked like tons of letters thrown together by some bored sheep shagger, I mean Welshman. I really should stop calling them sheep shaggers, it's not very nice, most of them prefer Horses.
Anywho, no rest for the wicked, Eastbourne for me tonight.
P.S. Hi Mum, she's recently discovered my blog, thought I should say Hello. Also Hello to everybody else. 470 Visitors in 3 weeks, that's really good! Also good to know i'm not just talking to myself.
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
"You don't expect to be taken nearly over a cliff."
I mean who on earth would not open up their eyes and realise that clearly this isn't a main road taking you where you want to go, and oh there's not a 100ft cliff in front of you. It was good to read in this article that the driver (complete tosser probably, but I only make that presumption because he's driving a BMW) was prosecuted for driving without due care and attention. After a nine hour period of recovering the vehicle...otherwise know as wasting Police time because it seems people are turning even more lazy and losing their common sense.
When you think you've seen it all, there's always something else!
100ft cliff,
common sense,
sat nav
Monday, 23 March 2009
Can we have some different news now please?
As to the 26 page feature on Jade, her life and her legacy, I can't remember the last time when a news story took up over half of the newspaper, I don't think even the September 11th terrorist attacks managed it. Clearly Gordon Brown has nothing better to do, however I think David Cameron said exactly what should be said: "Her brave fight has raised awareness of this terrible disease. Her legacy will be to save young women in the future".
Before the people start getting on at me saying I have no heart etc. I'd never wish Cancer or death on anyone, Jade did all the right things, her boys are looked after and she's raised a tremdnous amount of support for treating Cervical Cancer, and that shows in the rise in Smear Tests. But how can you go from being a wannabe celebrity, showing off all your glory (literally) in the Big Brother house, to being racist and thrown out of the Celeb BB house....and then being totally slagged off in all the papers, having people hate you....through to now suddenly becoming the new Princess Diana.
What I will end on is saying R.I.P. Jade, and sending my best wishes to her boys. Along with appreciating how much awareness she did raise in her seemingly quite short battle with Cervical Cancer.
Cervical Cancer,
Jade Goody,
The new Princess Diana,
The Sun
Sunday, 22 March 2009
I think I over did it a bit!
When I say aches, I can't actually straighten my arms! Impressed with Deep Heat though, it did work straight away and definitly relieved the pain and helped me move a bit more. I think maybe I need to warm up my upper body a bit more before doing it and reduce the weight training! Didn't even over do it! I feel like I wasn't watching the England rugby game yesterday, but in the middle of it all being pushed about.
It's also not good because i've got a big show fit up to do in Eastbourne tomorrow, which you can guarentee will include alot of heavy lifting. Anyone know any good sports massage therapists or any other remadys? I think a radox muscle soothing bath is in order! At least typing doesn't hurt, so facebook and internet is still good for me....i think.
Friday, 20 March 2009
Forget Oxford, Let's go Urban!
A guy with this name is amazing. he is adorable and very caring person. he will always be there for you. he might have the nickname goober. he can make you laugh no matter what,even if ur having the worst day ever. some people may call him weird or strange, but if he wasnt all of those things then he wouldn't be goober. he is a remarkable person,trustworthy, and an awesome friend.
2. Your Age?
The day your life officially ends.
3. One of your friends or relatives?
A very cocky, wannabe genius. Someone most would consider highly arrogant and self-centered. Known to be intelligent, though most can't see what he sees in himself. -- haha sorry Adrian!
4. What should you be doing?
Actually means "something," but is used when you don't feel like explaining.
5. Favourite Colour?
black. a colour. Even though african americans are considerd "black" they really arent. there brownish kinda colour.
6. Birthplace?
Town in northampton, ruined by the fact of it being closely related with CorbyWell known for its rivalry against the Corby towners. Popular for numerous amount of chavs, of which most commonly are about 4ft tall and there vocabulary reaching only to the extent of 'ennit', 'fookin' grebs' and 'i'll proper bang you out!' Not only is there a vast number of chavs in the town - these are accompanied by the grebs. However, the only way you will pass these is if you dare to enter the lears of 'greb gardens', 'morrisons', or 'downtown subway'. If you are one of the many teens to fortnightly visit 'Keystone Escape' for there music gigs then you'll know what i mean when i say that Kettering is overrun by the 'scene' era. Try a Thursday night at 'Keystone' for the chance to be abused by about 50 of the 4ft chavs. Well, in addition to the youths of Kettering, you've got; litter, the rude and inconsiderate elderly, graffiti, vandalism, lack of good shops, the permenant stench, and my goodness the list could go on.
7. Month of your Birthday?
The month the hottest people in the world are born.
8. Last Person you talked to?
a word which dickhead americans can't spell, and claim we spell wrong - despite the fact that WE invented the language, and the idiots WE sent to america couldn't spell.
9. What did you last drink?
Diet Coke
A drink that is to be ordered after ordering a large, unhealthy meal. As opposed to regular soda, diet soda contains no calories, sodium, carbs or sugar.
10. Your Nickname
Mini Me!
little short dude who says "eee"
7. Month of your Birthday?
The month the hottest people in the world are born.
8. Last Person you talked to?
a word which dickhead americans can't spell, and claim we spell wrong - despite the fact that WE invented the language, and the idiots WE sent to america couldn't spell.
9. What did you last drink?
Diet Coke
A drink that is to be ordered after ordering a large, unhealthy meal. As opposed to regular soda, diet soda contains no calories, sodium, carbs or sugar.
10. Your Nickname
Mini Me!
little short dude who says "eee"
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Commiserations to the Austrian Tax Payer
Another sad death of a fantastic actress this week. One of the first films I ever bought was Parent Trap with Natasha Richardson and Lindsay Lohan in it, actually the first time I started to have a little celeb crush on Lohan. It will be a great loss to the movie world, but at the same time a harsh reminder that no matter how minor, a head injury should always be checked out, even if it looks as though there's no damage at first. Rest in Peast Natasha.
Finally to lighten the mood a tad, here's one that'll make you laugh;
A woman brings eight-year-old Johnny home and tells his mother that he was caught playing doctors and nurses with Mary, her eight-year-old daughter.
Johnny's mother says, "Let's not be too harsh on them.... they are bound to be curious about sex at that age."
"Curious about sex?" replies Mary's mother. "He's taken her fucking appendix out!"
Johnny's mother says, "Let's not be too harsh on them.... they are bound to be curious about sex at that age."
"Curious about sex?" replies Mary's mother. "He's taken her fucking appendix out!"
Josef Fritzl,
Lindsay Lohan,
Natasha Richardson,
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
12 Days Later...
To top it off, Plus Net then go and reconnect our internet to the wrong phone line, despite us making it absolutly clear to them that it needs to be on the new number. At least plus net did give us compensation and the next bill free, as for BT...well they've offered us nothing, which is why a rather snotty letter is now making it's way to BT HQ in central London.
On a rather different note, it was nice to get out and marshall the 25th Hastings Half Marathon this weekend. A lovely day for it, not ideal conditions, there was a considerable amount of runners going down through dehydration, and I know the Red Cross had their hands full. But well done to the organisers, a great day all round. Finally, i'd just like to say thanks to all the drivers who had patience and didn't shout or swear at Marshalls, it really does matter, after all we are all volunteers. There are always a few drivers who will have a go at you, despite the signs being up for 6 weeks beforehand, either they're blind, stupid or very disorganised...probably all three. Especially to the one man, who i'm saying very little as it's an ongoing Police Investigation now, who decided to try to ram me with his car. I think he'll be thinking twice about his actions when the nice police officer knocks on his door tomorrow.
Anyway, I must get on with my list of things to do on the have no idea how much i've missed my web access.
Hastings Half,
Plus Net,
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Oh not a yank, give up now.
I phoned up the helpline, up for an argument, to be answered by some yank woman asking my name. How my name matters to the whole matter I don't know, would have expected them to ask for a reference or serial number, but not my name. As soon as I heard this woman I just thought "I'm not even going to bother". She told me that they'd charge me "£116" to fix it, to which i replied that I may as well buy a new one, and I ended the conversation there.
I could go up to the Apple shop at Bluewater and argue with them, but at the end of the day all they're going to say is that its got water damage cause the "sensor" says so, not that it's ever been anywhere near water. I'd much rather do without the argument and just buy a new one. So that's what i've done.
I like the iPod Touch, it's a really good device, the best on the market and fairly well priced. But after all this if I could i'd much rather go onto another device, if only it wasn't for DRM protected music. Bloody iTunes.
A little video to pass the time...
I was going to blog about something else today, but thought i'd give you something different. So here's a little motivational video which made me smile today.
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