Sunday, 11 October 2009

Gotta love the Brits

Sad news emerged this morning, the death of Boyzone band member Stephen Gateley in Majorca, you know how I found out. No not the conventional methods, I got a text when I woke up from a mate of mine:
"Stephen Gately dead eh?

What a bummer..."

What I love about the British people is our sense of humour, no matter what the global disaster or death, there's always someone out there who's thinking of the funny side of things. Ok there must be tons of people out there who think we're sick and need help. But I guess humour is one of the way we get through the hard times. I mean, how much does a damn good laugh cheer you up after a long hard day. It's something that most other cultures and nationalitys will never understand. And yes i'm guilty!

Been a long weekend for me, I got my new bike on Friday, decided to bike to work on Saturday. As I was coming down a fairly steep hill, doing about 20mph, I got cocky and decided to hit the path. Hit it at the wrong angle, and sort of ploughed into a wall. My bike was in worse condition then I was, one of the brake pads was knackered, and both tyres were damaged. It's cost me £40 but I can live with that. Lucky that I haven't broken anything. Apart from alot of aches and pains today, a badly bruised shoulder and finger, i'm fairly alright. The bloke in Halfords spoke my language, he said "You were seeing how fast you were getting it to go weren't you?!", and yep yep I probably was. Maybe next time i'll not be so cocky, and be more careful.

Some good news, which is fairly scarce at the moment. I passed my security training, and am now in the process of getting my badge. This year's been weird, I know tons of people who will agree with this, it's just been full of shit, it has actually been a really crap year, very little has come or gone my way. I'm looking forward to 2010, let's hope its better than 2009. Anyway, i'm off to have a bath and sooth my aching body. Anyone want to scrub my back? Hello? Anyone?

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