If you're on twitter then follow me, it's www.twitter.com/astreather, and if you're not, then why not? There's something about twitter, when I first joined I thought it was a load of crap and a waste of time, so shoved it to one side for nearly a year. But then it came big again and I thought i'd give it a go, and now i'm hooked, almost as though it's some kind of drug that i'm not addicted to. Love it!
Derren Brown deserves a mention for predicting the lottery. All these people coming up with stupid guesses of how he did it are seriously making me laugh, it's all over the papers and the internet. I personally don't think he did it the way he said he did, through the whole "Wisdom of the Crowds" solution. The technical person in me, having worked on a number of Brown's shows, says that all this split screen stuff is bollocks and he wouldn't have done it. A little part of me just thinks that maybe, just maybe, he might have fixed the machine and put heavier balls in place of the others. As with alot of things, I guess we'll never know, and maybe that's what makes it so great. It's got people talking anyway! This week he controls the nation, i'm away so I really hope this thing works on 4OD when I get back or I will be gutted.
Feeling pretty rotten at the moment, come down with a spout of the man flu, think i'm at the tail end of it which is good news. Haven't told many people because someone is bound to go off on one and decide that i've got Swine Flu and I shouldn't be working etc. etc. Complete media hyped bollocks as usual, which the beeb are still going on about, tonight it's their Panorama special about Swine Flu. Seriously???? I'll be watching the footie with a cold magners and chocolate covered raisins.
I'll leave you on this final note: "Don’t do anything you are not prepared to explain to a paramedic."
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