I guess this is day one, we'll class it as that for the purpose of this post. It's currently 22:30 here on the South Eastern Coast of China, it's quite strange because i've pretty much lost a day. I left Heathrow at 22:30 last night and got to Hong Kong at 17:25. Slept very well on the plane, which is a huge change, I can usually never sleep but this time I managed about 4 or 5 hours so for me its about 3:30pm and i'm not really tired. Even so going to try to head to bed soon or i'll just make the jet lag worse. Landing at HK airport is a bit scary, because it's on an island all you see until about 5 secs before landing is water getting closer and closer!
The good news is that the view from my Dad's apartment is pretty good, 62 floors down...well minus the number "4's" because apparently in China the number 4 means "Death" or something similar, so you don't get a floor with a 4 in it. Floor 40 to 49 is non existant...you figure it out"! As I say great views, can just see Hong Kong island in the distance and saw bits of the lights show tonight, see the full thing on saturday.
Managed to get tickets to South China vs. Spurs at the Hong Kong stadium on Sunday so that'll be quite good. Very weird driving into Hong Kong from the airport because its nothing like what you imagine, all very hilly and green, until you reach the city. It's like a metropolis jungle, surrounded by a totally green jungle. Probably one of the most unique cities in the world from what i've seen so far.
Tomorrow's a quiet day, see the more local area before it's off to Hong Kong Island on Saturday, lots more photo ops there!
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