Tuesday, 2 June 2009

There really is a group for everything...

There seems to be a trend of "police" related topics on here at the moment. I've just come across this group on facebook of "who hates Hastings Police?", it comes under the "Politics" category but really should be in the "Utter Pointless" category.

Now, i'm not one for being the happiest of people with Sussex police lately but I still think they do an excellent job in Hastings, and Sussex. Not one person in this group has come up with a valid reason for hating sussex police, unfortunatly them locking your mate up for 4 years doesn't count. Here's a list of a few comments:

Anthony Tindall wrote
at 11:50 yesterday
hastings police hahaha u fuckin dickeds!! Beter luck next time !?! [||(",)||]

Ashleigh Carpenter wrote
at 23:42 on 29 May 2009
Hastings police r muggy c**ts haha

Chris Marsh wrote
at 00:16 on 27 May 2009
yes people good stuff keep it going

I happen to notice the excellent spelling and grammer of the first two comments. Anthony seems to be basically admitting to breaking the law, hopefully it will be better luck next time. Ashleigh seems to think Hastings Police are humid vaginas...whatever that is? I just thought i'd point out also that the creator of the group interests are: women, women with sexy boobs, laughing at people falling down stairs and get the polish out of england.

This country allows people their freedom of speech, and I for one think thats brilliant, but for heaven sake if you're going to have an argument, have a reason to back it up. Oh and the group also points out that Hastings Police are "skanky swine flu spreading scum bags", how that works out I have no idea. Unfortunatly another sign of a lack of respect for a person in authority in todays society.

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