I've discovered a new internet sensation and been having lots of laughs over it all of tonight. Well I say, i've discovered it, I do partly have Butler to thank for it. It's a new website called Omegle.com, and basically you talk to strangers...there's no registering nothing, you just type in the web address, and you can instantly talk to some random person who has no idea who you are, and you don't know who they are. Some of the conversations you have are quite amusing.
I thought i'd post some of them on here for your amusement;
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: We need to talk!
Stranger: why?
Stranger: k you bore me goodbye.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
And before i'd even had the chance to say anything more!
If you're easily offended, don't read this one!
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Do you like big butts? And can you not lie?
Stranger: dont be such a nigger
You: I'm no nigger
Stranger: u r a fat sack of niggershit
You: oh like your mum?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: like ur mum
You: Correct Answer my friend!
Stranger: i 69ed her last night
You: oh i am sorry
You: that bad?
Stranger: it was a nightmare
You: That's funny, i was wondering where you were. Your dad wasn't half screaming for you last night, at least I think that's why he was screaming....might have been out of pleasure
Stranger: were you fingering his butthole?
Stranger: he likes that
You: Yeah, he said he did
You: He said "do it to me like my son does it to me"
Stranger: so you crapped on his chest
Stranger: right?
You: No no, he shat on my chest
Stranger: nice
You: Not really, your mum licked it off though
Stranger: alright
Stranger: im bored of this
You: thought you were
Stranger: peace
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Hey, he started it!
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hei! Eg gidd ikkje prate med deg akkurat no viss du ikkje er skandinavar. Ikkje ta det ille opp ;)
You: Yes me too!
Stranger: Flott =D
You: Really?
Stranger: Ja.. kvar kjem du frå?
You: I would love to, when do you want to do it?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: brasil?
You: No thanks, I like them hairy
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
I just couldn't resist that one!
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: i
You: Hi are you james?
Stranger: love
Stranger: you
Stranger: ya
Stranger: i am
You: Oh hey James, I'm John, been looking for you on here
Stranger: really? lol
Stranger: didn't think you would be
Stranger: so how about wat happened last night dude?
Stranger: watcha think of that?
You: Lets not talk about it....
Stranger: no no no
You: I told you she was "that" sort of girl
Stranger: dude Paul and Chris were flipping out! lol
Stranger: dude its ok i didn't tell them anything though
You: Ok that's fine then, its best to keep it a secret. We don't want your dad finding out
Stranger: lol hey hey i think its best your dad doesn't find out dude
You: My dads dead...of course he won't find out
Stranger: i know that i mean Tom your step dad
Stranger: he will beat the shit out of you man
You: He'll never find out
Stranger: lol dude you know how many ppl were there last night....someone is bound to tell
You: They were all too drunk they wont remember
Stranger: lol dude i remembered and i woke up with a guy
You: Yeah but you'd only had like 3 pints
Stranger: ya times that by 5 lol
You: oh....then we might have a problem
You: As long as noone goes to the police
Stranger: ya...might lol well i know Kristy and Jen were with me....Nicholas was there but he passed out....we were there and your little love machine...we were the only ones to see it
You: so Nicholas wasn't awake for it?
Stranger: i dont think so...
Stranger: highly doubt it
You: Shit what have i gone and done?
Stranger: hey its not like we made the situation any better by egging you on the whole time
You: Well no because I was clearly pissed out of my face
You: And my god, how did Kristy's parents get involved in it all. It's all coming back to me now
Stranger: well you had a reason to man.....If my gf caught me banging a guy i would do the same exact thing
You: I hate to say you have a point
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: BABOUIN
You: Je suis Adam!
You: Je come from England
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: are u afraid of swine influence? D:
You: Not really, i'm more likely to get run over by a bus tomorrow than I am to get some pig flu.
Stranger: influenza
Stranger: what? i didnt understand... are you going to get run over by a bus?
You: I hope not!
Stranger: my native language isnt english
You: I was saying that it's unlikely i'll get this pig flu. I'm more likely to get run over by a bus
Stranger: i see
You: do you?
Stranger: nope. here no one has pig influenza.
Stranger: ayet
Stranger: yet
You: Just go get some oinkment, and you'll be fine.
Stranger: my dictionary didnt know what is oinkment :D
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: /b/
You: huh?
Stranger: i dont speak much english
You: me either
Stranger: im female 17 and i need a man to move in with
Stranger: where do you live
You: i live in england
You: why do you need a man to move in with?
Stranger: my ex beat me
You: oh im sorry
Stranger: i thought he loved me
Stranger: and right now im living in a community center
You: that is horrible.
Stranger: it didnt work
Stranger: ive tryed to kill myself
You: thats not good
Stranger: yeah but... i need a real man to live with
Stranger: one who will treat me right
You: Ok, i know just the man
Stranger: do you know where to find one?
You: Yes
Stranger: who
You: His name is Gordon Brown, he lives in London in a BIG house
Stranger: does he have a email.. i kinda dont have a phone
You: yes one moment
Stranger: ok
You: gordonbrown@number10.gov.uk
You: thats his personal email
Stranger: ok
Stranger: mine is ********@hotmail.com
Stranger: if you ever wanna talk again
You: he will let anybody into England, he will also give you lots of money taken from the good english tax payer
You: he'll probably fuck you up like he did the economony though
Stranger: ok
Stranger: what do you mean
You: he's an arsehole
You: not very nice
Stranger: oh
You: but i'm sure he'll be good for you
Stranger: are you sure
You: Yes
She could have been serious but I couldn't help it.
Seriously, if you've got a few minutes to spare, you've got to check this out, just for the hell of it! http://omegle.com
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