Sunday, 8 February 2009

Applying common sense, logic and toothpaste

On the way to find a pub in Folkestone, we got pulled to one side by a couple of attractive young ladies (part of the reason why we stopped) who were from a local church, one of these new ones that are popping up all over the place. We subsequently had a long discussion on god, and our beliefs, which did at one point turn into quite a heated debate. I think the above interview with Eddie Izzard sums up my views, and I think they are not that dissimilar to those of Izzard.

Personally, I think, as Izzard says, that by applying common sense, logic and science to religions and the belief of god I can see no reason for his existance. The earth was created by the big bang or some scientific phonomenon, which subsequently resulted in the production of micro-organisms which then developed over thousands of years into the animals around us and ourselves. The bible was written by people over time who "believed" that god was speaking to them, it wouldn't that hard for me to say right now that I "believe" that god is speaking to me and subsequently i'm off to write a book.

The church is used by alot of people as comfort, its someone there, its someone to talk to, and in times of hardship it's the belief that someone is there. Let's not generalise this though, i'm not focusing on Christianity, but all the other beliefs around the worlds that believe in a "god" or a higher being. Religions are, 90% of the time if not more, the cause of major conflicts and wars around the world.

The heated debate with these two young ladies along Folkestone seafront sort of came to an end when I turned around and said, quite honestly, "If you can prove to me that God exists then i'll believe, but at the end of the day, God is all in people's heads. Any comments will be gratefully appreciated and taken on board.

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